For the sake of this blog, I'm going to rename each "Jack" in
Hatfield/McCoy style (oppositions), racism/unbiased treatment of others injustice/justice inequality/equality divisiveness /unity
Dealing with these "Jacks", the number of people cranking the metaphorical handle would have to be 100 percent. You have to fall on either side. Although, as I think about it, some of you may be caught with forefinger and thumb pinching the tiny handle, unable to turn the crank. The reasons may differ; confusion, indecisiveness or unwillingness to weigh in (for reasons good or bad-no judgement here)
Next, step back and ask yourself which "Jack" should be stuffed back in the box with a lid securely fastened. Do you notice that as you step back, it becomes painfully clear what must be forced back in the box and maybe even given a free ride to the dump for recycling?
I am talking in absolutes here; sheer black and white - no gray zones for the time being. That being said, how can anything but racism, injustice, inequality and divisiveness be the first to have the top forced down on them with an added padlock for secure keeping.
My brief opinion moment: I think this is how our "jacks" keep jumping out or it is at least one of the reasons why the handle keeps cranking. We parents/adults are responsible for the views of our children. Those very views are soaked up and squeezed back out like a bad genetic mutation. Children become at risk of becoming the elements of society having a propensity to infringe on the rights of others or, at the very least, those who stir the pot, grow up, and then spill those same views to the fruit of their loins. We are in definite need of CRISPER here.
I've decided that there are six things that the masses need to survive a pandemic. The first four are: I know this from personal experience because for the last month, I have searched high and low to find these items and since they are in such high demand, they must be what we all need to survive. These are scary times aren't they? We have no control anymore... except, it seems, over what we put in our mouths. Is it just me, or does anyone else derive perverse comfort from eating Lucky Charms... at 2AM in the morning? I am definitely exerting the WRONG kind of control. I must STOP THE EATING. I have to remind my primitive self that I live in the 21st century. I do not have to succumb to what appears to be a primal need to hunt and gather Lucky Charms. My rational mind knows I do not have to keep eating in preparation to survive off of my own blubber. But, my primitive brain keeps telling me to stuff my face. Again, I repeat to my brain, these are not caveman times, we have refrigerators and non perishable food yet I instinctively continue to reach out for what is magically delicious. That being said, I do think my primal brain may be correct about my need to stalk chicken, the only food item actually needed to survive in a pandemic. Take note of this because it can only be found in grocery stores intermittently. Seriously people, what is with the run on chicken? I am perplexed. Can't we also be in love with the other white meat? And, did we need a pandemic to stop eating red meat? All I can say is it is a good thing I love steak, I may just have to rethink adding fish oil supplements to our survival list so we can stave off our impending heart disease. Excuse me please, nature is calling....
Ok, just 20 more secs...Ok, all clean....Is it really such a big deal if we stockpile chicken, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, paper towels and in my case Lucky Charms? I mean, it's not like we are trampling each other. Wait, are we trampling each other? If you are, you must have forgotten the last two essential items on our pandemic survival list; kindness and compassion? They are the two items you will never find in the stores on a shelf. They are only to be found within the shelves of our hearts and are ours to replenish. They are the necessities to retrieve as we engage with cashiers as well as our fellow shoppers joining the hunt for our pandemic items (hopefully 6 feet away from each other and while wearing masks). They are what we need as we interact with our essential workers as well; mechanics, health care workers, receptionists, lawn care workers, plumbers, HVAC technicians, truck drivers, food retail workers, sanitation workers, postal workers, and more. People are grieving, facing their mortality, or are hungry and bearing financial strife, all while some simply worry about pandemic bad hair. It is our kindness and compassion that will allow us to comfort those in need, lend a hand to those who cannot stand up on their own, or point a friend to a YouTube video on how to french braid your own hair (sure cure for pandemic hair); everyone's pain is their own and kindness and compassion allow us to see that. I think you are now fully equipped to survive a pandemic, if of course you make sure you have your staples. I suspect you do since, TP, paper towels, chicken and hand sanitizer are still out at Target, Walmart and all of my local grocery stores. The jury is out on kindness and compassion. Some of the masses need to go shopping. I have faith that they will. Pandemic Poetry; Haikus-the last literary item needed in a pandemic. Go ahead and try one of these 3 line, 5-7-5 syllable poems. It will be fun! Here are three examples:Can't you spare a square? |
Then someone else said | Doc Fauci relayed |
Ho, ho, ho it's me Can you guess who I might be? Look due north to see! Is it really you? I see you on the rooftop You must be SANTA! Snow, snow falling snow It makes a pretty picture Until the dog comes. I sit and I wait Stream of red lights before me Boy, this traffic sucks Christmas is not just the presents, gifts and money It's love, laughter, joy Oil for just one day In a miracle of light They stayed lit for eight | Time to be jolly 'Tis a season of great joy FA-LA-LA-LA-LA Celebrate Christmas By counting the syllables Holiday Haiku! Christmas time is near But it's still fifty degrees Climate change is real For the Jewish folks Hanukkah is very near Light the Menorah! The astrologers Looked up to the starlit sky Guided trip ahead Ho, ho, ho it's me Can you guess who I might be? Look due north to see! |
I sit and I wait Stream of red lights before me Boy, this traffic sucks Rudolph's nose glows bright Guiding Santa's sleigh at night Chimneys wait his plight | I mix and spread grout Filling all the crevices My art is transformed Candles light the Xmas tree Be careful or you might see Firetrucks come to thee!* *(BTW, this is a UKIAH which is a reverse haiku!) |
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